Case Study 3000 Grafts in One FUE Hair Transplant Session
The patient is a 28 year old male with Norwood Class IV hair loss with significant frontal hair loss and thinning in the crown. He wanted to have his hair and appearance match his age again. He also wanted to maintain a short hair cut in the back. As a result he sought out a physician who specialized in FUE hair transplant so he could avoid a linear scar that might appear with strip surgery. Upon consultation with Dr. Vories they determined that he would have 3000 FUE hair grafts and he would maintain his existing hair with Finasteride.

Top view before and 6 months after.

Front hairline view before and 6 months after 3000 graft FUE procedure.

Top back view before and 6 months after 3000 grafts. Hair regrowth has provided uniform density.

Back of head view. After photo shows hair cut short and with no sign of scarring.