Facial Hair Restoration
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Beard and Eyebrow Hair Restoration
Although the vast majority of hair transplant procedures are for re-establish hair on the scalp due to genetic hair loss, there are also individuals who see hair restoration for facial hair. For both men and women hair loss of the eyebrows can have a significant impact on their appearance. Thin eyebrows impact the frame of your eyes. The good news is that with today’s advance hair transplant techniques eyebrow hair can be restored, one hair at a time.
When restoring eyebrows it is important to select a surgeon who has both the surgical and aesthetic skills to properly angle the transplanted hairs to replicate the original hair growth pattern and that the design of the eyebrows is appropriate for your face.
Beard Hair Transplantation
Facial hair transplantation has been performed for years to fill in thin areas of the beard and to camouflage facial scars. With the popularity of full beards today the demand is greater than ever.
Many men have difficulty growing a more fashionable, full beard. The facial hairs often don’t have the fullness and length to create the full beard they desire.
Transplanted hair from the sides and back of the scalp can create the full beard appearance many men desire, often in a single session!
Before and after 2500 FUE grafts
African American Male - Before and After 2500 FUE grafts.