2015 ISHRS Scientific Meeting in Chicago
This years Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS) was particularly hectic for Dr. Michael Vories. As Vice President of the ABHRS the certifying board for hair restoration surgeons Dr. Vories assisted with board exams, presented the latest techniques for FUE hair transplantation and participated on several panels.
The highlight was his follow up presentation of one of his patient’s – Johnny Casper. Dr. Vories orginally brought Johnny to the 2012 meeting in the Bahamas only five weeks after his first procedure of over 5000 FUE grafts in a single 2 day session. At the time many of the physicians were impressed with the excellent healing of his donor area but some were skeptical of how much hair growth he would accomplish. Well a year later Johnny had exceptional hair growth and he began posting his hair transplant journey on his personal blog: http://www.myfuehairtransplant.com/.
In January of this year Johnny decided he wanted even more hair and had a second procedure of 2000 grafts.
After the conference Johnny posted:
There were about 600 hair surgeons from around the world at the conference. It was very reassuring hearing so many doctors congratulating me and especially Dr. Vories on his great work. Many examined my head with their hands, combs, and flash lights. They were most impressed with the lack of visible scarring and how well my donor areas had recovered. The hair growth speaks for itself!!!!
Below are photos of Dr. Vories and Johnny from 2012 and 2015 Annual ISHRS Meeting.

Left to Right: Bahama Meeting 2012, Chicago Meeting 2015, Drs. examining Johnny’s results at 2015 Meeting.