Patient Selfie Follow Up

6 Month Selfie Follow Up

Before and 6 months after 3000 FUE grafts.

We are always excited when our patients come back for their 6 and 12 month follow up appointments. Their results and enthusiasm for the transformation they have experienced brings us enormous joy and sense of purpose.

The after results photo above was sent to us by our patient who was limited in traveling due to COVID 19 precautions. Although he could not travel to visit us he was so excited with his early results (6 months postop) that he sent us a selfie to share. He is in his 30’s and had no hair in the front third. Dr. Vories transplanted 3,000 FUE grafts in one session.

What is even better is when the results continue to improve as more of the hair grow in and the length increases. Below is our patient before, at 6 months and now at 9 post-op.

Before and 12 Months Post-Op

And for a closer look, below is a close up of his hairline at 9 months.