5,000 Hair Grafts Transplanted Over 2 Days
This 34-year old patient had lost significant hair throughout the top of his scalp and was a Norwood hair loss classification 5/6. He was very unhappy with his appearance and felt his hair loss made him look older than his biological age. His hair density in the donor was good and his hair had a soft wave and good volume.
During his consultation he expressed a desire to transplant as much hair as possible and Dr. Vories recommended a 5,000 graft FUE hair transplant that would need to be performed over 2 consecutive days.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and at his 12-month follow-up appointment he felt completely transformed.
Front view. the patient has a full hairline and a more youthful appearance.
The top view shows very nice coverage with just 1 procedure.
From the rear and top back view we see his donor region appears untouched and he achieves hair coverage to the crown.